2-103. Public records copying fee. 1
2-201. Compensation of members. 2
2-203. Interference with city manager. 2
2-204. Appointment of mayor. 2
2-205. Conveyances; authorized signatories. 3
2-302. Wage and employee classification
schedules. 4
2-304. City manager; appointment; tenure;
qualifications. 4
2-305. Same; acting manager. 4
2-306. Same; general powers and duties. 4
2-307. Same; administration of city’s
business. 4
2-308. Same; general duties with respect to
budget and financial affairs. 5
2-309. Same; signing of warrants and
warrant-checks. 5
2-310. Same; authority to perform duties of
other officers. 5
2-312. Same; charge of city seal. 5
2-313. Same; authority to administer oaths. 5
2-314. Same; duties generally. 5
2-315. Same; general duties with respect to
records. 5
2-316. Same; duty to record and attest
official acts. 5
2-317. Same; duty to attend meetings of
governing body and record proceedings. 6
2-318. Same; general duties with respect to
ordinances. 6
2-319. Same; publication of ordinances and
annual budget. 6
2-320. Same; recordation and certification of
special assessments. 6
2-321. Same; duties under cash-basis law. 6
2-322. Same; duty to assist in budget
preparation. 6
2-323. City treasurer; receipts,
disbursements and accounts generally. 6
2-324. Same; manner of keeping accounts and
books; validity of expenditures. 7
2-325. Same; daily deposits. 7
2-326. Same; improper allowance, issuance,
approval, attestment, registration or payment of claims, warrants or
certificates of indebtedness; diversion of funds. 7
2-328. Same; examination and approval of
bills, accounts and claims against city. 7
2-329. Same; issuance and signing of warrants
or warrant-checks. 8
2-330. Same; general duties as city
accountant. 8
2-331. Same; monthly balance of books; annual
financial statement. 8
2-332. Same; examination of officers’
accounts. 8
2-333. Same; records for settlement with city
treasurer and county treasurer. 8
2-334. Same; duty to assist in budget
preparation. 8
2-402. Administration; appointment and terms
of personnel; general duties. 9
2-405. Department of the judiciary. 11
2-406. Department of public works. 11
2-407. Department of finance. 11
2-408. Department of utilities. 11
2-411. Department of planning, zoning and
code enforcement. 12
2-412. Department of records. 13
2-501. Adoption of capital improvement plan. 14
2-502. Capital improvements fund. 14
2-503. Property insurance proceeds fund. 14
2-504. Emergency response expense recovery. 15
2-505. Collection of debts. 17
2-506. Neighborhood revitalization plan. 17
2-601. Boards and commissions. 19
2-602. Airport advisory board. 19
2-604. Same; officers, meetings and
procedures. 19
2-605. Same; functions of board. 20
2-607. Recreation commission. 21
2-608. Planning commission. 21
2-609. North central regional planning
commission. 21
2-611. Same; meetings and rules. 22
2-612. Same; functions, duties, and powers. 22
2-613. Housing rehabilitation and citizens
advisory board created. 22
2-614. Same; membership and vacancies. 22
2-615. Same; functions, duties, and
authority. 23
2-617. Same; meetings and records. 23
2-618. Concordia Arts Commission. 23
2-620. Same; meetings and records. 24