There shall be the following city administrative boards or commissions:

(1)   Library board;

(2)   Recreation commission;

(3)   Planning commission;

(4)   Airport advisory board;

(5)   Board of building trades;

(6)   Board of zoning appeals;

(7)   City housing authority (per resolution dated June 17, 1970);

(8)   Concordia Arts Commission.

(Ord. No. 2014-3078, § 2, 8-20-2014)

An airport advisory board is established.

(Ord. No. 1999, 7-7-1986)

(a)   The airport advisory board shall consist of not less than five nor more than nine members. All members shall be residents of Cloud County. All members shall serve without compensation.

(b)   The members of the airport advisory board shall be appointed by a majority vote of the governing body and shall be representative of the airport users and other citizens knowledgeable and concerned about air transportation and aviation.

(c)   The term of office of each member shall be for four years.

(d)   Vacancies on the airport advisory board, from whatever cause, shall be filled by the governing body for the unexpired term. Any member of the board may be removed from the board prior to the expiration of the term of office by a two-thirds vote of the governing body.

(Ord. No. 1999, 7-7-1986); Ord. No. 2008-2971, §§ 1, 2, 10-15-2008)

(a)   The airport advisory board shall elect one of its members chairperson and one of its members vice-chairperson, who shall hold office for one year and until their successors are elected unless their terms as members of the board expire sooner. These officers shall be elected at the first meeting of the board after July 1 of each year.

(b)   An officer or employee of the city designated by the city manager shall serve as secretary of the board.

(c)   The board shall establish a regular meeting time and place and shall hold one regular meeting each quarter. Special meetings may be called by the chairperson, or in the chairperson’s absence, the vice-chairperson, upon written notice being delivered personally or by mail to each member at least 24 hours prior to such meeting.

(d)   The board may make and alter rules governing its organization and procedures which are not inconsistent with this section or any other applicable ordinance of the city.

(e)   A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum, and the affirmative vote of a majority of all members is required to take any action. The board shall keep an accurate record of its proceedings and transactions.

(Ord. No. 1999, 7-7-1986)

(a)   The functions of the airport advisory board shall be to:

(1)   Identify the needs of Blosser Municipal Airport, including:

a.     Planning and zoning needs;

b.    Facilities needs; and

c.     Operation and maintenance needs.

(2)   Advise the city manager through the secretary of the board on all matters affecting Blosser Municipal Airport, and appear before the governing body to discuss airport matters when appropriate.

(3)   Render advice and assistance to other city boards and commissions, to city departments and to private agencies on matters affecting Blosser Municipal Airport.

(4)   Serve as a communications conduit for airport related matters, to include:

a.     Providing accurate information on airport facilities to federal and state agencies;

b.    Performing public relations service between airport users and local, state and federal government officials; and

c.     Resolving conflicts which may occasionally develop between the airport and its neighbors.

(5)   Perform such other functions and duties as may be directed by the governing body.

(b)   In prescribing the duties of the airport advisory board, it is not the intent of the governing body to duplicate or overlap the functions, duties or responsibilities heretofore or hereafter assigned to any other city board or commission or to a city department. As to such functions or responsibilities set forth in subsection (a) of this section, which are partially or wholly the responsibilities of another board or commission or of a department of the city, the airport advisory board will render assistance and advice to such board, commission or department as may be requested.

(Code 1971, § 2-231(f); Ord. No. 1999, 7-7-1986)

Pursuant to a majority vote of the electors at the regular city election held on April 2, 1907, there shall be a library board, the composition, powers, functions and duties of which shall be as prescribed by K.S.A. 12-1222—12-1235, and the ordinances of the city.

(Code 1971, § 2-220)

Pursuant to a majority vote of the electors at the regular city election held on April 6, 1948, there shall be a recreation commission, the powers, functions and duties of which shall be those prescribed by K.S.A. 12-1901 et seq. and ordinances of the city.

(Code 1971, § 2-221)

(a)   A planning commission for the city is hereby created.

(b)   The city planning commission shall consist of seven members having the qualifications required by the laws of the state; and such members shall be appointed, shall have the tenures of office, shall organize themselves, and shall have all of the functions and perform all of the duties required or provided for by the laws of the state.

(K.S.A. 12-741 et seq.; Code 1971, § 2-226:227)

There is hereby created the North Central Regional Planning Commission in the counties of Clay, Cloud, Dickinson, Ellsworth, Jewell, Lincoln, Ottawa, Mitchell, Republic, Saline and Washington in the state.

(Code 1971, § 2-228(a))

(a)   Any incorporated city or county government within Clay, Cloud, Dickinson, Ellsworth, Jewell, Lincoln, Ottawa, Mitchell, Republic, Saline and Washington counties is eligible for membership in the North Central Regional Planning Commission upon passage of an appropriate ordinance or resolution and acceptance by such commission. Each city shall be represented by its mayor or designee from the governing body or official responsible to the governing body. Each county shall be represented by the chairperson of the board of county commissioners or designee from the commission. Each county may appoint by majority vote of each board of county commissioners representatives from special interest groups and/or minority groups located within the counties. Representatives appointed shall serve at the pleasure of the board of county commissioners. All members shall continue to hold office until their successors are duly appointed and qualified.

(b)   All members of the commission shall serve without compensation.

(Code 1971, § 2-228(b), (c))

(a)   Meetings of the North Central Regional Planning Commission shall be held at least once each three months on a date determined by the commission. Special meetings may be called by the chairperson, or the vice-chairperson in the absence of the chairperson, or as otherwise provided, upon at least 36 hours’ notice and the mailing of a written agenda to each member. All meetings of the commission shall be open to the public.

(b)   The commission shall adopt bylaws, including rules for the transaction of commission business, which shall include, but not be limited to:

(1)   Membership;

(2)   Officers;

(3)   Meetings and voting;

(4)   Organization of the commission;

(5)   Staff and budget;

(6)   Sharing of costs.

(Code 1971, § 2-228(d), (f))

The North Central Regional Planning Commission shall have all the functions, duties and powers as provided in K.S.A. 12-744 to 12-757 and 12-2901 et seq. The general purpose of the North Central Regional Planning Commission shall be to make those studies and plans for the development of the region that will guide the unified development of the region, eliminate planning duplication and promote economy and efficiency in the coordinated development of the region and the general welfare and prosperity of its people. These plans may include, but shall not be limited to, recommendations for sanitary sewage and solid waste disposal systems, airports, parks and recreational areas, public institutions, prevention of blighted conditions, regulatory codes and general capital improvement programs.

(Code 1971, § 2-228(e))

There is hereby created and established a Housing Rehabilitation and Citizens Advisory Board (hereinafter called the board) to serve the Governing Body of the City of Concordia, which board shall have the functions, duties, and authority prescribed herein.

(Ord. No. 2012-3030, § 1, 3-7-2012)

The board shall consist of three members to be appointed by the mayor with the consent of the governing body. All members shall be residents in the city, or employees of the city, or own property or have an interested stake in the city, and shall serve for the duration of the city’s CDBG, No 12-HR-002. Any vacancies, which occur during the term of said grant, may be filled for the remaining term by appointment by the mayor with the consent of the governing body. All members of the board shall serve without pay.

(Ord. No. 2012-3030, § 2, 3-7-2012)

The board shall have the following functions, duties, and authority:

(1)   Serve as a citizens’ advisory group for the CDBG housing grant.

(2)   Assist in the development of the city’s housing/demolition plan.

(3)   Recommend changes in program guidelines to the governing body.

(4)   Review and accept the work write-up for each individual dwelling.

(5)   Analyze contractor bid(s) for conformance and cost.

(6)   Recommend bid award(s) to the governing body.

(7)   Act as a complaint and appeal resolution panel in accordance with the complaint procedure documented in the Concordia Housing/Demolition Plan.

(Ord. No. 2012-3030, § 3, 3-7-2012)

The board shall elect a chairman and vice-chairman, who shall serve for the duration of this CDBG housing rehabilitation grant.

(Ord. No. 2012-3030, § 4, 3-7-2012)

The board shall determine meeting times and places. Special meetings may be held on call of the chairman. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The board shall cause a proper record to be kept of its proceedings.

(Ord. No. 2012-3030, § 5, 3-7-2012)

The Concordia Arts Commission shall consist of six members to be appointed by the governing body as persons competent to determine the value of artistic, literary, and theatrical works, architecture, and events which affect the environment of the City of Concordia. The chairperson of the Concordia Arts Commission shall be elected annually from among the five appointed members. Members of the Concordia Arts Commission shall receive no compensation. The terms of office for the first six appointed members shall be three years for two of the members, two years for two of the members, and one year for two of the members. Thereafter, the terms of office for all members shall be three years. Any vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the governing body for the unexpired terms. Appointed members may not be appointed for more than two consecutive three-year terms except that a member appointed to fill an unexpired term shall, if reappointed, be entitled to serve two full three-year terms in addition to the partial term. The city manager or a person designated by the city manager shall serve as an ex officio member of the commission, and shall be entitled to vote on matters considered by the commission only in the event that the appointed members voting on the matter are evenly divided yea and nay.

(Ord. No. 2014-3078, § 3, 8-20-2014)

The mission and purpose of the Concordia Arts Commission is to enhance and enliven the community by promoting cultural opportunities and arts education while nurturing an environment of aesthetic vitality. In order to effectuate this mission, the Concordia Arts Commission shall have the following responsibilities:

(1)   Upon their own initiative:

a.     Recommend works of art for purchase and/or recommend projects relating to the purchase of art.

b.    Recommend for consideration by the governing body various artistic events and/or projects related to artistic endeavors within the community.

c.     Make recommendations to the governing body regarding any matter believed to have a significant impact upon the aesthetic environment of the community.

(2)   Upon request of the governing body:

a.     Recommend works of art for purchase and/or recommend projects relating to the purchase of art.

b.    Study any proposed project with regard to various elements of artistic concern and prepare conclusions for consideration by the governing body.

c.     Undertake fund raising projects in conjunction with the purchase of works of art by the city or development of artistic events by the city.

d.    Conduct a review of plans, proposals, or projects relating to architecture, works of art or artistic events and present advice and/or recommendations to the governing body.

e.     Coordinate or assist artistic and cultural events within the community including the procurement of physical facilities for such events and support of those groups which are participating in such events.

(Ord. No. 2014-3078, § 3, 8-20-2014)

The Concordia Arts Commission shall determine meeting times and places. Special meetings may be held on call of the chairperson. A majority of the commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The commission shall cause a proper record to be kept of its proceedings. The commission may adopt such bylaws and operating procedures as its members deem appropriate. All meetings shall be subject to the requirements of the Kansas Open Meetings Act.

(Ord. No. 2014-3078, § 3, 8-20-2014)