The municipal airport located in the northeast quarter (NE/4) and the north half (N/2) of the southeast quarter (SE/4) of section nine, in township six south, range three, and in the southeast quarter (SE/4) of section four in township six south, range three, west of the sixth principal meridian in Cloud County, Kansas shall henceforth bear the name Blosser Municipal Airport, and shall be designated as such by appropriate and prominent signage.

(Ord. No. 2014-3066, § 2, 1-2-2014)

(a)   No person shall hereafter operate or conduct any activity upon or from the Blosser Municipal Airport for any commercial purpose specified in subsection (e) of this section without first obtaining a permit for such operation or activity from the city. The issuance of any such permits shall be within the sole discretion of the city; and in acting upon any application for such permit, the city shall take into consideration the number of outstanding permits or other licenses for the particular type of operation or activity contemplated by the applicant, the safety of the lives and property of the inhabitants of the city and all persons operating on or from such airport, the condition of the airport, and the desirability and suitability of such commercial operation upon and from such airport. This section shall not apply to visiting commercial or pleasure aircraft.

(b)   No permits for commercial operation shall be issued until the person seeking such permit shall have submitted to the city an application stating the person’s name and address, a complete description of the type of commercial operation contemplated, the period of time to be covered by the permit if less than one year, a complete description of the equipment to be used in such commercial operation and any other facts or information that may be required by the city from time to time. Such applicant may be requested to furnish at least three character references.

(c)   All applications shall be reviewed and granted by the city manager within 60 days of receipt so long as the applicant can demonstrate compliance with all the terms and conditions of this article. If an application is denied, the cause for such denial shall be stated to the applicant in writing. All permits granted to applicants for commercial operation who have not heretofore operated commercially under contract, lease or permit to the city shall be temporary permits for a period of six months only. At the expiration of six months of such operation under such temporary permit, and after considering any protests to the issuance of a regular permit, a regular permit shall be granted to the applicant so long as the terms and conditions of the permit and this article have been complied with. Nothing in this section shall be construed as to require the holder of a temporary permit to pay an additional permit fee for the issuance of a regular permit at the end of the six-month temporary permit period.

(d)   Each permit issued shall state specifically the nature or type of operation authorized by such permit and the length of time covered by the permit. There shall be issued a separate permit for each type of commercial operation, and it shall be within the discretion of the city to determine what constitutes a separate type of operation for the purpose of issuance of the permit. It shall be within the discretion of the city to impose conditions or limitations to the issuance of permits under this section, and such conditions and limitations shall be specified in the permit.

(e)   For purposes of this section, permits for commercial operation shall be classified as follows: Air taxi operations, flight training schools, aircraft maintenance and repairs, aircraft charter flights and passenger rides, aircraft sale and rental, sale of aircraft gasoline and oil, aircraft storage, and crop spraying, dusting and seeding. If an application contemplates two or more classifications of commercial operation, then a separate permit fee shall be paid for each. Permit fees for each commercial operation shall be $25.00 for all or any part of the calendar year in which application is made for a permit.

(f)   All permits issued under this section shall expire on December 31 following the date of issuance. Permits granted under this section shall not be transferable.

(g)   If the type of operation contemplated in the application for a commercial permit involves the use or operation of an aircraft upon or from the airport, the applicant shall submit with the application a copy of a certificate of insurance showing that such applicant has in force for the entire period for which a permit is sought, property damage insurance in an amount not less than $100,000.00 and public liability, personal injury insurance in an amount not less than $100,000.00 for injury to one person and not less than $300,000.00 for total injuries resulting from one accident. Such insurance shall be of standard type, shall cover the aircraft of the applicant while operated by the applicant or another with the applicant’s permission, and shall cover the applicant while operating in the aircraft.

(h)   A permit issued under this section may be revoked by the city for the violation of any of the terms of this section; provided, however, that no permit shall be revoked until the holder of such permit has been given notice in writing of the violation and given a reasonable opportunity to comply with the provisions of this section.

(Ord. No. 2081, 3-1-1978; Ord. No. 2105, 10-4-1978)

No aviation fuel, flammables, explosives or poisonous substances shall be stored or transported anywhere on the airport without securing a permit from the city, as provided by this article.

(Ord. No. 2081, 3-1-1978)

No person shall do any material or substantial construction or alteration in or to any existing hangar or building on the airport without securing permission from the city. Violators will be required to remove unauthorized work at their own expense.

(Ord. No. 2081, 3-1-1978)

No person shall operate any motor vehicle or mobile equipment, including automobiles and trucks, except in accordance with the rules prescribed in this article. The speed limit for all vehicles shall be 20 miles per hour. No vehicles, with the exception of vehicles being operated by city employees in performance of their duties, shall be driven on the runways, ramp areas or taxiways except by permission of the city. No vehicles shall be parked less than 40 feet from any taxiway or ramp area, including taxiways between hangars. No vehicle shall be allowed on the airport other than public parking areas except those vehicles operated by hangar owners, hangar lessees, aircraft owners, and vehicles being operated by city employees. All such authorized vehicles shall only be parked within hangars of the individual owners.

(Ord. No. 2081, 3-1-1978)

No smoking shall be permitted within 50 feet of any vehicle carrying aviation fuel, flammables, explosive or poisonous substances, or any storage area or aviation fuel, flammables, explosive or poisonous substances.

(Ord. No. 2081, 3-1-1978)

Aircraft owners, their agents or pilots shall be responsible for the prompt disposal of disabled aircraft and parts thereof unless directed to delay such action pending an investigation of an accident. Disabled aircraft must be removed from the airport or stored in a hangar out of view of the public.

(Ord. No. 2081, 3-1-1978)

All types of hunting and use of firearms are prohibited on airport property.

(Ord. No. 2081, 3-1-1978)

No person shall enter or be upon airport property except for purposes of an aeronautical nature or for those purposes authorized by the city.

(Ord. No. 2081, 3-1-1978)

Any and all airport property defaced, destroyed, injured or damaged by accident or otherwise shall be paid for by the parties responsible for destruction, injury or damage.

(Ord. No. 2081, 3-1-1978)